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Layer 2 Leaf-Spine

Lab Topology

Guide Info

This lab will guide you through setting up a layer 2 leaf-spine architecture. Many of the concepts learned can be used to effectively deploy such a design in a production environment. This lab has been limited to the following devices: leaf-1a, and leaf-3a. Additional devices on this topology are out of scope for this lab.

Preparing The Lab

  1. Log into the LabAccess jumpserver:
    1. Click on the Console Access on the lab access menu.
    2. Type l2ls at the Main Menu prompt.
    3. The script will pre-configure the topology with the exception of leaf-1a and leaf-3a. leaf-3a will be configured manually, via the CLI, and then leaf-1 we will configure via Cloudvision to deomonstrate how we can effectively deploy configurations at scale with consistency.

Lab Tasks

Before beginning, verify the MLAG operational details on leaf-3b. Since there is no current configuration on leaf-3a, the MLAG peer in this scenario, the MLAG state will be inactive. The output of show mlag will look similar to the example below.

Command Completion

In this guide the completed commands will be used for reference however the shortened commands are available. As an example show version and sh ver will produce the same output. Tab completion can be used as well.


show mlag
show mlag interfaces


leaf-3b#show mlag
MLAG Configuration:
domain-id                          :            Access_Pod3_AGG
local-interface                    :            Vlan4094
peer-address                       :
peer-link                          :      Port-Channel47
peer-config                        :

MLAG Status:
state                              :            Inactive
negotiation status                 :      Lowerlayerdown
peer-link status                   :                  Up
local-int status                   :                  Up
system-id                          :   00:00:00:00:00:00
dual-primary detection             :            Disabled
dual-primary interface errdisabled :               False

MLAG Ports:
Disabled                           :                   4
Configured                         :                   0
Inactive                           :                   0
Active-partial                     :                   0
Active-full                        :                   0
leaf-3b#show mlag interfaces

  mlag     desc                       state     local     remote         status
-------- ----------------------- ------------ --------- ---------- ------------
    49     SPINES_Po5              disabled      Po49          -           up/-
    51     MEMBER-LEAF-3C_Po49     disabled      Po51          -           up/-
    52     MEMBER-LEAF-3D_Po49     disabled      Po52          -           up/-
   531     MEMBER-LEAF-3E_Po49     disabled     Po531          -           up/-

CLI Configuration - leaf-3a

Configure the MLAG domain on leaf-3a using the following steps:

  1. Configure the layer 2 VLAN MLAG communication between the peer switches

    Trunk Group

    Arista best practices leverage a trunk group to limit layer 2 forwarding of the MLAG peering VLAN to only the peer-link, which we will see later. This is because we also recommend disabling STP operation on the MLAG peering VLAN to ensure MLAG adjacency can form immediately as EOS comes up without waiting for the STP learning process to complete.


    vlan 4094
    trunk group MLAG
    no spanning-tree vlan-id 4094


    leaf-3a(config)#vlan 4094
    leaf-3a(config-vlan-4094)#trunk group MLAG
    leaf-3a(config-vlan-4094)#no spanning-tree vlan-id 4094
  2. Configure the MLAG Peer-link Port-Channel on leaf-3a to connect to leaf-3b

    MLAG Trunks

    Here, the trunk group applied to the MLAG peering VLAN is applied to the peer-link to ensure the MLAG VLAN is only forwarded on this link. Note we also can do interface ranges and groups when applying similar configurations as shown. Member interfaces of a port-channel will inherit all configuration of the parent so there is no need to apply things like switchport commands to the individual interfaces.


    interface Port-Channel47
    description MLAG_Peer_leaf-3b_Po47
    switchport mode trunk
    switchport trunk group MLAG
    interface Ethernet 47
    description MLAG_PEER_leaf-3b_Ethernet47
    channel-group 47 mode active
    no shutdown
    interface Ethernet 48
    description MLAG_PEER_leaf-3b_Ethernet48
    channel-group 47 mode active
    no shutdown


    leaf-3a(config)#interface Port-Channel47
    leaf-3a(config-if-Po47)#   description MLAG_Peer_leaf-3b_Po47
    leaf-3a(config-if-Po47)#   switchport mode trunk
    leaf-3a(config-if-Po47)#   switchport trunk group MLAG
    leaf-3a(config-if-Po47)#interface Ethernet 47
    leaf-3a(config-if-Et47)#   description MLAG_PEER_leaf-3b_Ethernet47
    leaf-3a(config-if-Et47)#   channel-group 47 mode active
    leaf-3a(config-if-Et47)#   no shutdown
    leaf-3a(config-if-Et47)#interface Ethernet 48
    leaf-3a(config-if-Et48)#   description MLAG_PEER_leaf-3b_Ethernet48
    leaf-3a(config-if-Et48)#   channel-group 47 mode active
    leaf-3a(config-if-Et48)#   no shutdown


    Verify Port-Channel and L2 forwarding status

    Commands From Anywhere

    In EOS, any command can be run from any CLI mode. Here we can run show commands directly from interface configuration mode.


    show interfaces status
    leaf-3a(config-if-Et48)#show interfaces status
    Port       Name                         Status       Vlan     Duplex Speed  Type            Flags Encapsulation
    Et47       MLAG_PEER_leaf-3b_Ethernet47 connected    in Po47  full   1G     EbraTestPhyPort
    Et48       MLAG_PEER_leaf-3b_Ethernet48 connected    in Po47  full   1G     EbraTestPhyPort
    Et49       SPINE-1_Ethernet5            connected    in Po49  full   1G     EbraTestPhyPort
    Et50       SPINE-2_Ethernet5            connected    in Po49  full   1G     EbraTestPhyPort
    Et51       MEMBER-LEAF-3C_Ethernet49    connected    in Po51  full   1G     EbraTestPhyPort
    Et52       MEMBER-LEAF-3D_Ethernet49    connected    in Po52  full   1G     EbraTestPhyPort
    Et53/1     MEMBER-LEAF-3E_Ethernet49    connected    in Po531 full   1G     EbraTestPhyPort
    Ma0                                     connected    routed   a-full a-1G   10/100/1000
    Po47       MLAG_Peer_leaf-3b_Po47       connected    trunk    full   2G     N/A
    Po49       SPINES_Po5                   connected    trunk    full   4G     N/A
    Po52       MEMBER-LEAF-3D_Po49          connected    trunk    full   2G     N/A
    Po531      MEMBER-LEAF-3E_Po49          connected    trunk    full   2G     N/A
    leaf-3a(config-if-Et48)#show interfaces trunk
    Port            Mode            Status          Native vlan
    Po47            trunk           trunking        1
    Po49            trunk           trunking        1
    Po52            trunk           trunking        1
    Po531           trunk           trunking        1
    Port            Vlans allowed
    Po47            All
    Po49            10,310,320,330
    Po52            10,310,320,330
    Po531           10,310,320,330
    Port            Vlans allowed and active in management domain
    Po47            1,10,310,320,330,4094
    Po49            10,310,320,330
    Po52            10,310,320,330
    Po531           10,310,320,330
    Port            Vlans in spanning tree forwarding state
    Po47            1,10,310,320,330,4094
    Po49            10,310,320,330
    Po52            10,310,320,330
    Po531           10,310,320,330
  3. Configure the MLAG Layer 3 peering network

    L3 MLAG Peering

    The MLAG VLAN and peering network are used only for communication between the peer switches. As such, the IP network that is used does not need to be unique or routeable (though it can be if customers choose). In the lab, we reuse on all MLAG pairs.


    interface Vlan4094
    description MLAG_PEER
    mtu 1500
    no autostate
    ip address


    leaf-3a(config)#interface Vlan4094
    leaf-3a(config-if-Vl4094)#   description MLAG_PEER
    leaf-3a(config-if-Vl4094)#   mtu 1500
    leaf-3a(config-if-Vl4094)#   no autostate
    leaf-3a(config-if-Vl4094)#   ip address


    Verify layer 3 connectivity between the peer switches on the MLAG VLAN.




    80 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.19 ms
    80 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.56 ms
    80 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1.58 ms
    80 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1.49 ms
    80 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=1.64 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 8ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.485/1.690/2.192/0.255 ms, ipg/ewma 2.078/1.933 ms
  4. Define the MLAG Domain parameters to establish the peering.


    mlag configuration
    domain-id Access_Pod3_AGG
    local-interface Vlan4094
    peer-link Port-Channel47
    reload-delay mlag 300
    reload-delay non-mlag 330

    Similar to the peering network, the MLAG domain-id can be re-used across pairs as it is a locally significant value. The other values describe the connectivity between the peer switches.


    Verify the MLAG relationship between leaf-3a and leaf-3b.


    show mlag
    show mlag interfaces


    leaf-3a#show mlag
    MLAG Configuration:
    domain-id                          :     Access_Pod3_AGG
    local-interface                    :            Vlan4094
    peer-address                       :
    peer-link                          :      Port-Channel47
    peer-config                        :        inconsistent
    MLAG Status:
    state                              :              Active
    negotiation status                 :           Connected
    peer-link status                   :                  Up
    local-int status                   :                  Up
    system-id                          :   02:1c:73:b7:c6:01
    dual-primary detection             :            Disabled
    dual-primary interface errdisabled :               False
    MLAG Ports:
    Disabled                           :                   0
    Configured                         :                   0
    Inactive                           :                   0
    Active-partial                     :                   0
    Active-full                        :                   3
    leaf-3a#show mlag interfaces
    mlag       desc                            state       local       remote          status
    ---------- ------------------------- ----------------- ----------- ------------ ------------
        49       SPINES_Po5                active-full        Po49         Po49           up/up
        52       MEMBER-LEAF-3D_Po49       active-full        Po52         Po52           up/up
        531       MEMBER-LEAF-3E_Po49       active-full       Po531        Po531           up/up
  5. Add a port-channel to connect to member-leaf-3c. This is how you would add additional devices into your leaf-spine stack in a communications closet.


    interface Port-Channel51
    description MEMBER-LEAF-3C_Po49
    no shutdown
    switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,310,320,330
    switchport mode trunk
    mlag 51
    interface Ethernet51
    description MEMBER-LEAF-3C_Ethernet49
    channel-group 51 mode active
    no shutdown


    Verify the MLAG interface to member-leaf-3c is up/up


    show mlag interfaces


    leaf-3a#show mlag interfaces
    mlag       desc                            state       local       remote          status
    ---------- ------------------------- ----------------- ----------- ------------ ------------
        49       SPINES_Po5                active-full        Po49         Po49           up/up
        51       MEMBER-LEAF-3C_Po49       active-full        Po51         Po51           up/up
        52       MEMBER-LEAF-3D_Po49       active-full        Po52         Po52           up/up
        531      MEMBER-LEAF-3E_Po49       active-full       Po531        Po531           up/up

    Connect to member-leaf-3c and validate connectivity from member-leaf-3c to member-leaf-3d.




    PING ( 72(100) bytes of data.
    80 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=10.3 ms
    80 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2.20 ms
    80 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=2.34 ms
    80 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=2.39 ms
    80 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=2.19 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 35ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.187/3.893/10.349/3.228 ms, pipe 2, ipg/ewma 8.786/7.009 ms

    Connect to spine-1 and verify layer 2 forwarding information


    show mac address-table vlan 110


    spine-1#show mac address-table vlan 10
            Mac Address Table
    Vlan    Mac Address       Type        Ports      Moves   Last Move
    ----    -----------       ----        -----      -----   ---------
     10    001c.7300.dc01    STATIC      Cpu
     10    001c.73b3.c601    STATIC      Po491
     10    1ad4.d511.62f4    DYNAMIC     Po5        1       0:08:53 ago
     10    423b.b85a.b923    DYNAMIC     Po5        1       0:03:55 ago
    Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 4
            Multicast Mac Address Table
    Vlan    Mac Address       Type        Ports
    ----    -----------       ----        -----
    Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 0

CLI Driven L2LS Lab Complete!

Additional Testing

Explore optional command output related to MLAG operation on leaf-3a.

📝 Verify MLAG peer roles and detailed state information

MLAG Detail

The show mlag detail output contains a wealth of information. Notice that while there is a primary and secondary role for the MLAG peers, it is not a configurable value. The peers automatically negotiate this between themselves. The MLAG primary device is responsible for all STP processing for both peers. The Reload delay value is also very important in upgrade and maintenance scenarios.


show mlag detail

📝 Configure a VLAN on leaf-3a only to see how MLAG tracks consistency between the peer switches.

MLAG Config-Sanity

It is critical that the MLAG peers be consistent to ensure proper forwarding and operation. The show mlag config-sanity command helps to track values that are not consistent. These values should be rectified in production environments unless guided otherwise by an Arista SE.


vlan 999
name Wrong
show mlag config-sanity


No per interface configuration inconsistencies found.

Global configuration inconsistencies:
    Feature                   Attribute       Local value    Peer value
-------------- --------------------------- ----------------- ----------
   bridging        admin-state vlan 999            active             -
   bridging       mac-learning vlan 999              True             -

Notice in the output there is a Local value of active/True for VLAN 999 however this is not true for the peer, leaf-3b. Now, remove vlan 999 to see what occurs.

Cloudvision Provisioning - leaf-1a

Accessing Cloudvision in the Lab

Navigate to the topology overview page. The unique, per environment, username and password will be at the bottom of the page. On the left panel, click CVP. From the CVP login screen, enter your username and password. Please allow up to 15~20 minutes for CVP to completely build and deploy the base configurations.

The only remaining portion of the L2LS fabric is applying the configuration to leaf1-a. By using Arista's UI driven multi-purpose helper, Cloudvision, network administrators can easily automate configuration management and have near real-time insights into the device telemetry.

Arista Tech-Library

For more detailed information into all of the capabilities that Cloudvision provides, Arista customers can access the Tech-Library at Here there will be deep dives on various aspects of the Arista portfolio along with guides on how to deploy these technologies in a production environment.

The initial landing page for Cloudvision will be the device inventory page. Left-click on leaf-1a and midway down the left panel select Switching > MLAG. Notice that MLAG is not currently configured.


Hover over the wrench on the left navigation panel and switch to the provisioning tab. Right click on the leaf-1a.atd.lab. Select Manage > Configlet. This will now list all available configlets, as well as the configlets that have been applied to the device. Click the checkbox next to L2LS_leaf-1a and then Validate near the bottom of the screen. The configuration that will be added is highlighted in green. Finally click save and then click save again which will generate a task.


Configlets are snippets of device configuration. By splitting the device configuration into chunks, we can combine those to create the full designed and/or running configuration of the device. This also allows the capability of configuration hierarchy so that configuration can be inherited from higher levels. As an example, you can right click on the Tenant and see the ATD-INFRA configlet that has been applied. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE CHANGES TO THIS CONFIGLET. IT WILL BREAK THE LAB


Click tasks. There is now one assignable task for leaf-1a. Click the check box to the left and then Create Change Control. In the pop up, click Create Change Control with 1 Task. Click Review and Approve at the top right of the screen. This is a final opportunity to review the configuration changes that will be made to the device. These changes can be scheduled to execute at a future time/date or executed immediately with the toggle at the bottom. Toggle Execute Immediately to true and then approve and execute. The changes will be pushed to the device.


Finally, go to the device overview screen and review the MLAG status. The MLAG peer connection should now be connected.



Lab Complete!

Extra Credit

Create a configlet in Cloudvision for VLAN 670 and apply it to leaf-1a and leaf-1b.